Saturday, February 22, 2014

Health/Fitness Tip of The Day: Yoga for Strength & A Bangin Boo-tay !


       I been working out and eating healthy for almost two years now .  I lost 80 pounds in a little over a year. At first, my workouts mostly consisted of a combination of cardio & weight training. I love weight training but one day I tried a yoga class because my lifting class was full. I tried it and needless to say fell in love with it. Yoga combines strength and flexibility with low impact cardio. I thought yoga was going to be easy but it really kicked my butt . I was sore for two days but I seen results. So all my fit ladies try yoga for a great low impact body weight exercise that will center your mind and balance your body . It also firms up your booty and gives you great posture. Why wouldn't you want to try yoga !? There are so many types of yoga from Birkham to hatha to meditation , I'm sure you'll find the type of yoga that'll suit you best.

Here are some great yoga videos down below that you can try at home ! 

Stay fit & Pretty my loves !! :)

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