Sunday E! premiered its new reality show #RichKidsofBeverlyHills and it got the twittersphere & the whole country buzzin. The show follows a group of five in their mid to late 20s who live a lavish lifestyle and posts it all on instagram for the world to see. I watched the show for myself Sunday night and it didn't seem much different from the other countless reality shows about young rich kids. It was only the first episode so I'll watch two more episodes to give it a chance. The cast went on The Bethenny Frankel Show yesterday to tell people their show is more than just rich 20-somethings living off mommy's and daddy's money but that they also are entertaining and do positive things with their money other than blow it off on hermes bags. The audience let the cast have it when Bethenny let them tell the cast how they felt about the show. Most of the audience was pissed because its another show about spoiled rich kids and most kids in this generation cannot relate to the show. While I agree with most of the audience , You can't single out this show when there is shows like Keeping Up With the Kardashians, Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, etc that glorify a luxurious lifestyle that a regular person can't attain. I only watch these shows for pure entertainment and aspiration. If you don't like the show or feels like its offensive due to the current state of the economy DON'T watch it . It is just that simple and that the bottom line of my review for this show. Down below is the clip of the #RichKidsofBeverlyHills on The Bethenny Show.
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